Saint Paul Seminary - Saint Paul Seminary

Saint Paul Seminary

The Saint Paul Seminary develops the next generation of Church leaders through formation of men for the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church. Through the sacrament of Holy Orders, these men are formed as missionary disciples to lead and serve God’s people.

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seminarians and bishop alumni from the saint paul seminary take part in a Eucharistic procession in St Paul, Minnesota

Saint Paul Seminary begins 2024-25 with over 1,000 future priests, deacons and lay leaders expected in formation

The Saint Paul Seminary begins the 2024-25 academic year with an enrollment of 91 seminarians from 19 different dioceses and religious orders.

Watch: Experience the Breathtaking Eucharistic Procession with 7,000 Catholics

More than 7,000 Catholic laymen and women, bishops, priests, seminarians and religious from the Upper Midwest and beyond joined The Saint Paul Seminary, the National Eucharistic Revival and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis for the “Source and Summit” Eucharistic procession down Summit Avenue.
saint paul seminary transitional deacons 2024

Saint Paul Seminary celebrates transitional diaconate ordination of 13 men this spring and summer

Five Catholic bishops will ordain 13 Saint Paul Seminary seminarians as transitional deacons this spring and summer.


Priests stand in front of the alter while the closing song plays during the Friends Mass and Breakfast in Saint Mary's Chapel on Sunday, April 22, 2018.

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